Prep School
Another Path to the Academy Starts Here
This 10-month school is designed to academically, physically and militarily prepare selected young men and women to potentially go on to the United States Air Force Academy and succeed. About 15 percent of every graduating class at the Academy started out by attending the prep school.
You cannot apply directly to the prep school. When you apply to the Academy, you are considered for the prep school, as well as our other preparatory opportunities through our Falcon Foundation. For more information, visit the Prep School page on USAFA.EDU.
Improve Your Chances While Improving Yourself
Every year, more candidates seek admission to the Academy than there are available appointments. Of those applicants who are not offered an appointment, Academy admissions will select some who will be given the opportunity to attend the prep school.
Prep school students are addressed as “cadet candidates.” And while successful completion of the prep school improves your chances of being offered an appointment to the Academy, it does not guarantee it.
Cadet Life“It is difficult not to succeed in prep school. You can walk down to your instructor’s office every day and they are always there.”
No Separate Application Required
If you apply to the Academy and are not accepted, you may receive an appointment to the prep school or a Falcon Foundation Scholarship to one of Five Falcon Foundation Schools. Admission to the prep school is limited to enlisted members of the Air Force Regular and Reserve components and to selected civilian students. Falcon Foundation scholarships are typically awarded to candidates who have just graduated from high school.
Cadet candidates do not need a nomination to attend the prep school. They will, however, need nominations to gain an appointment to the Academy the following year.