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Careers Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Officer

A Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Officer directs lethal and nonlethal joint firepower anywhere, anytime the battle calls for it. They are also the primary Air Force advisors to U.S. Army, joint, multinational and special operations ground force commanders for the integration of air, space and cyber power. TACP Officers plan, request, coordinate and control close air support as Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) and lead the TACP weapon system. By ensuring these highly skilled operators are physically, mentally and technically prepared, ground forces can rest assured that precision firepower will be delivered when they need it most.

Relevant Interests and Skills:

  • Emergency Management Response
  • Logistics Transportation

Career Tasks:

  • Direct distribution management operations, including distribution functions and shipping of supplies.
  • Determine base readiness requirements.
  • Compute and analyze current and projected materiel requirements.
  • Direct contingency, fuel management, aerial port and vehicle-management operations.
  • Formulate logistics management and fiscal policy for weapon systems.

Spend Your Career Leading Others, Not Paying Off Debt

An education at the U.S. Air Force Academy is provided at no cost to cadets. Instead, once you graduate, you will commission as an officer in the U.S. Air Force or Space Force. The length of your commitment will depend on your career path, but the benefits will last a lifetime.

About Commitment